Monday Meets: Nic Starr

Guest Post for Brynn Stein – 24th November 2014

Hi everyone, I’m Nic and I’m thrilled to be here to visit with Brynn Stein. Thanks you so much for having me.

Broken Heart

I wanted to share with you a little about my current release, A Day at a Time. A Day at a Time is the story of Sean and Dave, two guys who meet at work, and have to overcome a number of obstacles before they can find their happily ever after.

This is not a typical office romance—this isn’t the story of the complexities of dating someone you work with—this is a story about being hurt and learning to trust. Sean has been let down in the past and he’s allowed that bad experience influence him to such a degree that his self-esteem is low and he is extraordinarily wary. Dave, on the other hand, is confident and outgoing, and more importantly, a compassionate man who lets Sean dictate the pace of their relationship.

I was recently asked about the type of characters in my stories, whether it’s a coincidence or a theme, that they all need inner strength. I don’t set out to torture my characters (at least not intentionally) but I do gravitate to stories that involve the emotional struggle to find true happiness – and yes, there has to be true love because I love romance and a happy ending.

Trust is a quality that is so important for a relationship—so easily broken and sometimes hard to earn. When we’re born, we are naturally trusting, that is, until we learn we can be hurt. Some adults don’t trust at all, not until someone ‘earns’ their trust. Others place trust, until such time as that trust is destroyed. For Sean, he struggles to trust both his own judgment, and also men who profess interest in him—double whammy.

I hope you enjoy Sean and Dave’s story, as Sean learns that not all people are the same, and he can give his heart again.

Nic xx


A Day at a Time – The Blurb

Sean Vargos is quiet, well respected, and dedicated to his job. But Dave Simpson sees Sean as more than a coworker. He’s fought his attraction to Sean for months but can’t get him out of his thoughts.     They tentatively embark on a relationship, but Sean isn’t all that he seems. He struggles to put his past behind him and overcome his fears.     Dave, with his good looks and open nature, accepts that sometimes Sean’s doubts get the better of him and he runs. Dave just wants the chance to show Sean he can be trusted and the past doesn’t have to dictate their future.

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If you are thinking of purchasing through Amazon and haven’t already signed up for Amazon Smile, do consider it. Amazon Smile lets you nominate a charity (I’ve chosen Lost N Found Youth) which will receive a small % from your purchase. Every little bit helps!

About Nic Starr

Nic Starr lives in Australia where she tries to squeeze as much into her busy life as possible. Balancing the demands of a corporate career with raising a family and writing can be challenging but she wouldn’t give it up for the world.

Always a reader, the lure of m/m romance was strong and she devoured hundreds of wonderful m/m romance books before eventually realising she had some stories of her own that needed to be told!

When not writing or reading, she loves to spend time with her family-an understanding husband and two beautiful daughters-and is often found indulging in her love of cooking and planning her dream home in the country.

You can find Nic on Facebook, Twitter and her blog. She’d love it if you stopped by to say hi.





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